Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Stuff you Get...

While growing up, there are a few milestones that people give you stuff for. Graduating from high school was pretty cool, because people mostly give you money. Same with graduating from college, especially since you are genuinely poor, but they usually give you more money. Weddings are fun because your friends and family give you money, and blenders.

Then people find out you are having a baby, and they give you more stuff. In our case, you get onesies... a gazillion onesies. But unlike blenders, everyone has told us that we'll need all of them. So we're thankful for all of the onesies we've received, and we're also thankful for some of a few other fun gifts some avid B3 readers have given us.

Yup, we got the Monkey Baby Leash. I'm excited about taking the leashed kid places with a monkey on his back. Should be pretty fun.

We also got the Wee Block, the previously-mentioned urine super soaker-upper. Apparently, no one could find "Lil' Ladies Man," so we received "Tinkle Tinkle Lil' Star." Awesome.

From one of my cousins, I got the daddy survival kit, complete with: industrial rubber gloves, ginormous goggles, and disposable ponchos for when poop goes airborne (I heard it happens often); long handled tongs and disposable diaper bags, for the nasty diapers; a bottle of aspirin, for the headaches; a bottle of Jet-Alert, to help stay up on those late nights; clothespins; and a "Baby Gourmet" cooking tape ("Rated: Fresh & Fabulous").

A set of "Babies First John Deere Keys" were awesome. Seriously, he's going to learn how to mow the lawn when he's 3.

A little Pi Kappa Phi shirt. As soon as he's old enough to fit into it, I'll take pictures of him holding a PBR and getting friendly with the closest sorority baby.

Pacifiers are pretty cool because they generally shut babies up. But the Redskins pacifier is cool because it shuts them up while supporting my favorite team.

Lastly, we got the "Safe Baby Handling Techniques" book, complete with the Wheel of Responsibility on the front. The book is cool because not only does it tell you that babies generally do NOT eat fried chicken, but that only mommy should attempt breastfeeding. Boy, would I have been in trouble without it.

Thank you to everyone for all of the awesome gifts we have received. We still have room for more onesies, in case you see one that we can't live without.

1 comment:

Lilo said...

I cannot believe that the glow worm didn't make that pic! LOL JK of course! How is the baby room coming along?