A.D. and I have been to Washington, D.C., many times visiting Tim's family, but we haven't gotten to play tourist very often. To say my education of D.C. was lacking was probably being extremely nice. I had never visited the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, or many of the Smithsonian Museums. So when my parents planned a trip with my grandmother during April, A.D. and I tagged along to see some of the sights. I think we visited almost every major attraction and probably could have stayed another week visiting others. The weather stayed fairly cool but the wind made us keep our coats on for much of the vacation. I had a blast, loved the Metro (during non-peak hours), and decided I could definitely stay (if I didn't have to work). I think between my parents and me we took about 1000 pictures so here are just a few:
Korean Memorial

Grandma and Papa from the Lincoln Memorial

Grandma and Great-Grandma, also from the Lincoln Memorial

Relaxing for a few minutes on a bench near the Memorials

The White House, note, A.D. is asleep :)

Grandma and Papa in front of the White House

From the steps of the Capital Building

The Capital Building

I don't think he was supposed to be playing with the art...

Air and Space Museum